Gresham Middle Housing Project: Phase Two
Marcy McInelly
Erika Warhus
Pauline Ruegg
Land Division Code Amendments
Following up on the Gresham Middle Housing Project Phase 1, Urbsworks amended the city’s land division code chapters to permit over-the-counter approvals of infill housing land division for two to four units, townhouses, and cottage clusters. This work brought Gresham into compliance with Oregon state legislation Senate Bill (SB) 458 requiring cities to offer expedited land division processing for middle housing.
Expedited land division for middle housing is one of the tools the city wanted to make available to encourage and streamline the production of middle housing. It is a tool for both housing developers as well as ordinary homeowners. To make the material user-friendly the Urbsworks team produced a zine, or a magazine-style publication with original graphics.
The full zine can be read here.
![A spread from a zine created by urbsworks to explain what middle housing is to the community and developers of Gresham.](
![A spread from a zine created by urbsworks to explain what middle housing is to the community and developers of Gresham.](
![A spread from a zine created by urbsworks to explain what middle housing is to the community and developers of Gresham.](
Over the next 20 years there is a need for over 6,000 new housing units in Gresham to accommodate future growth, and that there is a need for a wider range of housing types, for both ownership and rental.
View the first phase case study for Gresham Middle Housing Project
Explore Phase 1